No registration of terminals needed. You can add an remove pos locations as you need them without extra charges
MAGMA pos is a web based software. Simply just works Did we mention access from anywhere in the world?
Latest technology and designed by users to ensure a user friendly easy to understand system that anyone can use and understand
Tablets,phones or computers. No cables required! Even better the printing is wifi based! Place your printers where you want them
To move forward, sometimes you have to start from nothing
Any device that has a modern browser on it. No brand is needed whatever you want to use!New or hand me downs
Choose if you want to run an internal server or skip the hassle and go online. To the future we go!
Add printers as you need them or even better go paperless with our email besed receipt system for your clients**
Our basic system includes Front of House, Admin CMS and Payroll already included. Back of House if you need it.
Just pop us an email to [email protected] and we will take it from there! Lets get you on the train to the future.